About Me

Welcome to my blog!

My name is Annie and i'm going to blog about all sorts.

                                          (I'm the one on the right...)

I am a student at the moment of photography and journalism, although I don't really want to be a photographer and to be honest I don't know much about cameras or taking pictures but I don't think that matters too much. I live in London and I think its great but I miss seeing trees on a regular basis.

As of this year i've become a runner - (I like saying that) and I ran my first half marathon! I've also become a bit obsessed with health and nutrition... but not to the extent that I don't eat chocolate or wheat or dairy or something like that, because that'd be mental. I'm into food and cooking and it probably takes up quite a large bit of my brain, the other part is mainly taken up with trashy tv and celebrity gossip.

I hope you like reading my blog.