Friday, 30 December 2011

Mmmm beans and lentils

Following the Christmas meat fest i've had a bit of a vegetarian revelation. I've always bean one of those lentil lover types and have never been a massive meat eater; a hunk of steak or a pork chop has just never really done it for me so I am comfortable in the bean and lentil field. However I know this is not a comfort shared by all and I am forever trying to persuade people to experiment with pulses. They are so cheap and versatile. My last 2 meals have proved this..

Dinner last night was homemade veggie burgers and lunch today was spicy beany soup. Both were lovely and I am going to pass on the pulse baton with some recipes:

Veggie burgers (for a shed load)...about 12

  • 200g green lentils
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 3 slices of bread
  • 2 eggs
  • bit of flour
  • any spice you like - I used: cumin, coriander and a bit of garam masala, plus fresh parsley and coriander.
Cook the lentils for about 15 mins (until soft), blitz the carrots, onion, garlic, bread and herbs and spices. When the lentils are cooked combine the 2 mixtures and add the eggs. Make mix into patties and dip both side in flour, you may find the cheeky rascals fall apart a bit but just pack them tightly together and they'll be fine. I found this bit mildly stressful... Pop under the grill for about 5 mins on each side.

Serve in buns with homemade sauces and salad (I made salsa and guacamole and it went down a dream!)

Spicy beany soup

  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 celery sticks
  • 2 carrots
  • tin of chopped tomatoes 
  • vegetable stock
  • 1 cup of mixed pulses or soup mix (found in whole foody type shops.)
  • Cayenne pepper and cumin, plus fresh parsley and coriander 
Fry up finely chopped onions, garlic, celery and carrots in some olive oil until nice and soft, add your spices and fry for another minute. Add your pulse mix and chopped tomatoes - fry a little longer. Cover mixture with vegetable stock and pop a lid on. Stirring every so often and adding any extra stock (depending how thick you like your soup), cook until pulses are soft. Serve with herb garnish and nice bread.

So there you go 2 yummy and easy and healthy lentil/bean recipes, are you converted? Or do you just fancy a beef burger...

In other news what ya'll doing for new years eve?! Such pressure to have the BEST NIGHT OF YOUR LIFE but such likely-hood that you probably wont. I still don't really have a plan as such, by this I mean I don't have a plan in any way shape or form... but what can you do. I would rather go to bed at 10 o'clock with the Sex and the City box-set than spend the night in some jammed club or pub spending obscene amounts of money. But kinda hoping I get invited to a cool party (theres still time...)

Thursday, 29 December 2011

New Year's resolutions and stuff like that.

Its the 29th of December and its drizzling and windy outside. I always feel a bit blue at this time of year. After the fun of Christmas - when you feel like all you've got is at least 3 months of bleak winter to come with no light in sight. (I'm being dramatic but you get the idea.) But I'm trying not to wallow in self-pity and starting to think about the new year in that sort of everythingispossible way.

I am actually an optimistic person. My number one new years resolution is to become an internet sensation... I hear you laugh but it's always best to aim high and hang onto the dream.

My second one is to heal my god dam knee injury and run another half marathon. The last few months have been so frustrating and I've felt like my body is a bit against me.

I think thats enough to be getting on with but I am excited to be starting a new year and like most people i'm setting out with all those good intentions to just be generally better in 2012 in every way.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Back to the blog

I have been guilty of completely neglecting my blog, but as of now i'm back on it and back to the blog.......................

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

running diaries and healthy yummy breakfast pancakes...

So yesterday I tackled an eight miler and completed at an average of 9-min miles. Considering it was my longest run to date it was alot less painful than it could of potentially been. However there were a few 'icantdothis' moments... firstly after what I'd estimated to be about 4 miles I checked my phone tracker and  i'd only reached just over 2 miles. This realisation slightly crushed my spirit and was quickly followed my my ipod dying but I carried on with just the music and counting in my head (I count when i run, to 10 and back and so on, its very odd and a bit annoying but I cant really stop it...) So there we go I am on track and improving! Spent the rest of the day at work with sore leg muscles.

As I was running early I didnt want anything too heavy so made a smoothie which consisted of; 1 banana, 2 tbs greek yoghurt, handful of blueberrys, 1 tbs of oats, 1 tsp of peanut butter and a bit of milk. It was really good an I am now a smoothie convert. (I used to think they were pointless...)

I woke up this morning absolutely starving, I was so hungry I couldn't sleep beyond 7.30 on my day off! So I created these...

 Yummy healthy pancakes with homemade strawberry jam (I didnt make that this morning, my friend made it and its the best jam ever with big chunky bits of strawberry!)
So to make these pancakes you need;
Serving 2 for 3 pancakes each-

  • 1/4 cup oats
  • 1/4 cup wholemeal flour
  • 2 tbs flaxseed meal (not essential!)
  • 2 tbs greek yoghurt
  • 2 egg whites
  • splash of milk till right consistency, still like a thick batter
  • blueberrys and raspberrys or any fruit you fancy 
Just whisk up all ingredients with a fork then melt a little marg on a frying pan and put a dollop of batter down and fry for a few mins on each side until cooked through and golden brown. Serve with jam or honey or more fruit and yoghurt.

I never really stray from my muesli and banana but have had a radical new breakfast awakening with all this smoothie and pancake business and I like it!

Monday, 4 July 2011


At a bit of a loose end with my day, which is also feeling like a loose end with my life. A temporary feeling I know but feel like I should be embarking on productive activities. Spent the last 1-2 hours contemplating a run and went from yes I will attempt my 8-miler, to maybe a short interval style one to no run see its getting hotter outside and a 8 miler in the mid-day sun would be fool hearty, i should've got up earlier... but I still want to go outside as its so glorious but working at 3pm so cannot go too far you may gather I am being pathetic and whiney and not actually achieving anything. 

I love seeing the sun shine but I do so wish I had a garden here and wasnt confined to a first floor flat. Am heading back to my home town at the weekend as its my birthday and there I have the freedom of near-by countryside and a lovely garden of flowers, tress and berries. Cant wait, feel a sense of city overload and need some fresh air.

So i tired my first Bikram yoga class last week...Bikram yoga is yoga in a room heated to 40degrees. It is intense and extremely sweaty. I could literally wring out my close after the 90min session. But it did feel great and came out feeling relaxed and well stretched... I havent been back yet but keep meaning to and will do in the very near future!

Finally on another subject, i went to Wholefoods for the first time ever and loved ever inch of it, was like my food heaven.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Breakfast eating

                                                    I have essentially the same thing everyday.
....................................................but i love it. Morning's are only complete with muesli, banana and blueberries.

                                           Straight from the garden!

Monday, 27 June 2011

SUNSHINE and pavlova

London finally felt a big wave of summer yesterday and is still feeling it today. At last we had one of those glorious english summer days of bright blue skies and sweltering heat. I spent the day at a work summer party picnic in Richmond park and it was a perfect day. We lounged in the sun; eating, drinking and playing silly games. My food highlight was the trio of deserts of which i sampled all and slightly regretfully had seconds...but i couldn't not go back when it was that good! Chocolate moose is a perfect accompaniment to pavlova don't you know....

Anyway last week was over indulgent in so many ways, (i also had a 16 course meal on Wednesday night at an Italian restaurant in Richmond, let me just repeat that, 16 COURSES!!) Twas amazing but I can genuinely say i have never consumed that much food and wine in one sitting. However all good things must come to an end and this week I am turning over a new health leaf. I am planning to be dedicated to the health and get a lot of running in. I am preparing myself to brave the heat for  run in a minute, just a short one mind as it is reaching 30+degrees out there...this will be a test of my stamina, i think my stamina may fail...wish me luck.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

'Strong is the new skinny'

I read the above quote in some sort of celeb interview a few days ago, I cant remember whose words it was but I keep thinking of it and feeling good. After an unhealthily obsessive phase of enviously looking at pictures of Alexa Chung's bones or Keira Knightly's jutting shoulder blades I have finally realised that this is not a good look and not something I should be aspiring to. I always knew that of course this wasn't healthy and not how my body naturally wanted to be; I could never be one of those willowey girls without an ounce of fat...well not unless I promptly stopped eating and carried out a miserable existence that this would bring... But I am sidetracking from my point here and there is one. Since I've started on this half marathon running challenge business i've completely changed my mind about all that super skinny malarky and I feel so much better.

 I've never felt or looked as strong, fit and healthy as I do now and am oddly enjoying the challenge i've set myself. (well that isn't while i'm actually running up a hill dripping with sweat, at that point i'm feeling quite cross about the whole thing, its more once i'm home feeling smug and eating lunch that I feel good...) And I've been thinking that if I am expecting my body to do this and avoid injury or illness then I need to give it what it needs and nourish it and help it to recover and be stronger. One cant cut carbs and then bash out 7 miles and expect not to die, thats all i'm saying. On that note I completed a personal best today of 7.5 miles and somewhat hilly miles at that. It was hard but i'm pleased I did it.

On foodie matters I am making spicy beany burgers for dinner tonight, will keep you updated on how they turn out, have been planning them and thinking about them for a large portion of the day...

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Trashy tv addiction

In recent months I've found myself watching THE MOST trashy reality tv going and really enjoying it, to the fairly shameful point that I set myself the task of watching 'The Hills' all seasons beginning to end online. It all started with a playful obsession with 'the only way is essex', moving onto 'made in chelsea' and then when I noticed the original american reality shows being replayed I thought why not? Not forgetting all the Kardashian related shows I often find myself watching... EEK Im not sure this is that healthy for my brain cells, but I love it soo much!

Is it OK to secretly love all this and still be considered an intelligent human being? Im not sure, but i'm not quite ready to give it all up yet...and think it is fine as long as I do other things to...i'm just trying to reassure  my melting mind...

In running news I completed a 7.3 mile run this morning, which was hard but worth all the sweat and pain. Found a new route, got slightly lost but was refreshing to have a bit of a change of scenery. Made a delish Greek-style omelette for lunch, which I happily wolfed down, feeling a bit smug and a bit sore. Have been taking pictures of the pretty food i've been eating so need to work out how to blog that too...

ps. I am so happy about how cheap summer fruit is right now.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Banana oateyness

In a quest to find a healthy mid afternoon energy bar snackamijig I've baked up some oatey banana things.
Here is the recipe;
3/4 of a cup of porridge oats
1/4 cup of desiccated coconut
2 mashed bananas
1tsp honey
1tsp peanut butter (A BIG TEASPOON)
Couple of spoons of natural yoghurt (until its a thickish but moist consistency
handful of raisins

Mixed it all up and put in a dish and bake until its a brown on top and looks yummy, leave to cool and cut up into bar shapes. They are really yummy and you wouldn't even know that they are super healthy.

On another health note, I was wandering around a health type food shop yesterday, and brought some ground flaxseed mix to have on my cereal, not sure why but I keep reading about it and thought why not? I very nearly brought almond or rice milk but then was like why? I love milk and don't have any problems with it so why down-grade to the pretend stuff ...

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

More treacle than forest gump

I managed to complete my longest run, on this increasing by about half a mile each week plan so ran 6.7miles and nearly died/threw up/fainted. It just wasnt one of my forest gump days of semi-effortles running, it was one of those incredibly painful icantdothis running through treacle days. But I did it (just) horayy. I think my problems arose from a combination of running before id had breakfast so was pretty much going on empty (did this as I didnt have time to digest food otherwise..) massive mistake! it was always really quite hot and muggy and  my energy levels were slumpyy. Lets hope for a better run next time as have offically signed up for a half marathon in sept.

Anyway on another note, a food note, have just cooked up 3 yummy looking vegetarian indian dishes for a feast tonight with friends. My flat is smelling spicy and yummy, am hungry already. I need to start blogging pictures of my food, these dishes look incredibly colourful and lush.

Ohh and quickly, I've discovered the she-devil of pilates in the form of 'pop pilates' on youtube. Tis amazing but PAINFUL, shes incredible but so mean!

Sunday, 5 June 2011

June time

OOhh has been a while since my last post..have been on a semi holiday from my life. Went to North Norfolk for a few days camping, whilst lovely it has also heightened my appreciation for beds. But we did have fairly glorious weather, bar one afternoon and evening spent playing boogle tournaments on my phone in the confines of the tent while it poured with rain for hours...and breaking the un-written laws of camping about not cooking inside a tent. But the beaches were beautiful and had some lovely coastal walks.

Enjoyed big eats of pub lunches, fish and chips on the beach, cooked breakfasts and ice creams for a solid few days. Feeling the need to get a bit of health back into my life now. Making a salmon and veg Vietnamese type stir fry with some brown rice tonight and have tried to be a bit virtuous today with a 6mile run AND some pilates. In fact im quite starving now so may start cooking...

Thursday, 26 May 2011

quite smug

I am feeling rather pleased with myself having just completed a 6.2 mile run this morning, (IN THE RAIN!). Up until now id have called myself a bit of a fair weather runner, choosing fresh sunny mornings to run and opting out in favour of indoor activities when dark clouds are in sight! And the best thing was I loved it! The rain showers felt refreshing and gave me something else to think about other then how far I had to run. I felt oddly free charging along through puddles, soaking wet as I overtook people with umbrellas cowering for shelter as I didnt care I just wanted to focus on running 6 miles. Days like this remind me why im doing it, for myself for my mental and physical health!

Dont mean to harp on in this irritatingly smug narrative but I just want to mention the lunch I just devoured on my return... Trying to be consistent with my healthy day but aware that I needed to refuel those hard worked muscles I made a quinoa, sweet potato and feta cheese salad with a honey and mustard dressing, filling my plate to the max with salad leaves and tomatoes and cucumber then adding the rest of the ingredients; it looked super pretty and tasted delicious and I am so full up now. There we go smug rant over. I have the day off today and planning on spending the rest of it flicking through magazines and drinking tea..mmm

Monday, 23 May 2011

PS. Im obbsessed with this song

mmm muffins

I've escaped the city for a few days to come to my home village and ahhh isn't it lovely... Its just nice sometimes to have dinner with out hearing the distant cry of police sirens and walk out the front door onto grass not the same old grey. I'm also massively enjoying running through the countryside and not suffering laps of the common, country life is under rated I tell thee!

I have just baked some delicious smelling raspberry and pear muffins from the river cottage cake book, which has never let me down so far and seems to be continually proving its worth! They look amazing and are a fairly healthy cake option, with half wholemeal flour and honey instead of sugar and fresh fruit. I am now getting back to the kitchen to make some Mediterranean vegetable and cheese tartlets for dinner. (unfortunately no amount of persuading myself can fool me into believing that puff pastry is a healthy option. ever) but oh isn't it just so yummy!!

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Do we all just want to be Carrie Bradshaw?

As I ponder my own 'blog'/ general ramblings about my life I am often left unsure about what to include. How personal do I go? How mundane is acceptable? If left to my own devices with a keyboard there is a danger that I WONT STOP typing until every single passing thought that has flicked through my mind has been uttered.

Then of course there is the fantasy at the back of my mind that I am in fact Carrie Bradshaw prancing around in outrageous heels writing a gossip column for a all female bloggers have this fantasy? Im not sure. But for now I think i'll carrie (get it) on with this blog, until thoughts stop passing through and I want to stop typing.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Just keep running

So I've just got back from a 5.12 mile run (very precise I know, track it on my phone..) did it in 47 mins and it I approached my flat I couldn't help but question how is it ever possible to double this and some? I thought I was gonna die/collapse in a big pool of my sweat...

But I guess I can do it if I keep it up and gradually increase it.. but how will my legs carry me that far?! eeekk. Feel great now though and remember why I am doing this; its all about those post-exercise endorphins. Its almost lunch time and time for a wholegrain bagel with egg and salad yum.

On another note I am definitely secretly hooked on E4's new 'Made in Chelsea', despite almost not being able to watch it at times feeling slightly nauseous, but just my kind of secretwatchitwhenyouralonetv.

Think thats all i've got for today except went out for dinner to Strada last night, left very disappointed, why did I not just order a pizza? Tried to be good ordering chicken breast, but it was blandy bland bland and I didnt even finish my plate (this is somewhat unusual for me..). Made up for the disappointment with a SNOG at the Covent Garden branch, always fantastic.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Wheres this all going?

My news from last few months...

Main headline would be my discovery of SNOG the frozen yoghurt chain mainly based in London, check it out, has changed my life..its all about classic green tea with blueberries and raspberries, yummy.

I've also decided to commit myself to running a half marathon in September, that gives me about 4 months to train and a kind of productive project to work towards.. I want to get a good time, but whats a good time? Am between a 9-10 minute mile at the mo, was feeling quite pleased with myself until someone told me at my age and size I should be running 7 1/2 - 8 min miles!! I feel this is not possible. I've never been one of those 'naturally sporty types' so am working from scratch here and its tough. The other thing about running is it makes you hungry as your burning alot of calories and i'm struggling not to replace to calories (and some!) with my meals and snacks, think I have finally found a balance after putting on 5 pounds :( (could this be muscle??) but have slightly lessened my portions and trying to be more controlled (also tough!) I dont really need to lose weight but since buying myself a set of scales its hard not to make losing just a few more pounds an imperative importance!!

 And again not helped (slight rant coming) by celeb trainer Tracey Anderson telling you that you dont need carbs. I am sure that cutting a major food group from your diet will make you loose weight yes, but what are the long-term consequences? The main aim is surely to be healthy?

Anywayyy im digressing somewhat... I am going to track my running progress on here as I work up to the half. There will definitely be more obsessing over what im eating, what i should be eating, how much im eating etc, I am somewhat of an obsessor and hoping this will help vent that and get advice from others who are maybe the same as me (probs not quite as crazy).

Ok gonna wrap this up and write again tomorrow, I think i'll keep writing until I find out where this is all going...

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Carbs are not the enemy...

Soo after reading that to achieve Gwyneth Paltrow's thighs you essentially have to live off a diet of pureed vegetables with the occasional half turkey breast thrown in, I presume to prevent you from fainting, I am filled with despair! The 'Tracy Anderson method' is not genius, its just starvation... Then after being told to 'gain a bit of perspective annie you're not on tv' i remember my love for food and that life probably wouldn't be worth living without carbs, what would be the point i ask thee? 

So a yummy tasty and nutritious lunch I followed this near breakdown with and would recommend consisted of half an onion fried lightly with garlic, celery and carrots and a bit of cumin and curry powder and half a can of baked beans with a piece of whole meal toast and sprinkled with some fresh coriander. Filled me up and made me happy and have me ENERGY something that a diet of no carbs would drain you of... 

Monday, 21 March 2011

Who knew rhubarb could be so delicious?

Brought some rhubarb out of curiosity for the first time today and it has given me a whole new perspective on pudding...

Popped in in a pan with the juice and zest of half a big orange, a covering of boiling water and a big spoon of honey, let it simmer for about 20 mins till all soft and melty and served it hot with natural yoghurt it was very yummy and like a proper pudding and pretty healthy. Useful for someone like me who always needs a sweet fix after dinner and super easy! Ahh rhubarb you hidden beauty you...

1st ever blog...

I take quite a lot of comfort in knowing that it is HIGHLY unlikely that this will be seen by any other human eyes. It can be just a little practice to see where this is all going to go and to find out how annoying my internal voice in fact is. . .

So the ideas behind this blog I suppose are creating a space to explore / discuss / share thoughts and events and ideas or concerns about anything and everything. About things that are happening in London today, where you can get great food, or find hidden treasures, whats happening in the art world, the celeb world, tasty recipes, fun ways to exercise, whats on tv, where to buy, what to buy, where to travel, what to see...   At present this is just between me and cyber space and I don't wish to bore the cyber with boring information about my life but that doesn't mean to say that mundane information is not welcomed here! If anyone is listening please don't be afraid to tell me what you cooked for dinner... 

This is odd I love to send rambled emails but am self-consious about babbling to heavily in my first ever blog! 

I will write again if I have something mildly interesting to say...